Munch – Il grido interiore

Munch, The Inner Scream

Over one hundred masterpieces have been exceptionally lent by the Munch Museum in Oslo for an extraordinary retrospective that narrates the entire journey of one of the most beloved artists worldwide and also one of the most difficult to see in an exhibition. Fresh from its success in Milan, where it set an absolute record, the exhibition arrives in Rome in the splendid setting of Palazzo Bonaparte, produced and organized by Arthemisia, which also begins the celebrations for its 25th  anniversary.

Decades have passed since the last exhibition dedicated to Munch in Rome. Even though he is one of the most beloved artists in the world – the only one to have “generated” an emoticon with his most famous work,  The Scream – he is also one of the most difficult artists to see in exhibitions.  Almost all of his works are kept at the Munch Museum in Oslo, however, the museum has, on an exceptional basis, agreed to an unprecedented loan.


From February 11th, 2025 at the Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome, you will get the chance to admire  one hundred of Edvard Munch’s masterpieces, including emblematic works, such as: Death of Marat (1907), Starry Night (1922 - 1924), Girls on the Bridge (1927), Melancholy (1900 - 1901), Dance on the Shore (1904), and one of the lithographic version of The Scream (1895).


The exhibition was previously displayed at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, where it registered an absolute record of visitors. It narrates Munch’s entire artistic journey, from his beginnings to his latest works, touching themes that were most dear to him, linked to each other by the interpretation of the tormented essence of the human condition.


“We are honored and proud to have been able to create this great project in collaboration with the MUNCH Museum in Oslo,” Iole Siena, President of Arthemisia, commented. “Munch’s works had not been to Italy for many decades, and the great success of the first stage in Milan has confirmed how much the public loves this colossal artist, who has always been able to make us feel very strong emotions.”




“We are honored and proud to have been able to create this great project in collaboration with the MUNCH Museum in Oslo,” Iole Siena, President of Arthemisia, commented. “Munch’s works had not been to Italy for many decades, and the great success of the first stage in Milan has confirmed how much the public loves this colossal artist, who has always been able to make us feel very strong emotions.”





The exhibition, which is curated by Patricia G. Berman (one of the world’s greatest experts on Munch), along with the scientific participation of Costantino D’Orazio, is held in collaboration with the MUNCH Museum in Oslo.

Its main partner is the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale, with Poema.

Professor Alessandra Taccone, President of the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale, stated: “This extensive retrospective on Munch is the second important project that consolidates the collaboration between the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale and Arthemisia in the splendid Palazzo Bonaparte - Spazi Generali in Rome, after the very successful Botero exhibition that recently ended (with over 200,000 visitors). The exhibition on Edvard Munch is a unique opportunity to admire 100 works from the MUNCH Museum in Oslo, since Rome is the last stage, and we are proud to have contributed to the events of the 2025 Jubilee with this initiative, enhancing the special atmosphere of the Eternal City. This ambitious project of ours, which stands out thanks to its international scope and unquestionable artistic merit, will allow visitors to dig deep into the essence of the intense creative journey taken by the great Norwegian master of Psycho-Expressionism, who was able to transfer the feelings and anguish that were inherent in his soul more effectively than any other artist, becoming the undisputed emblem of existential torments and dramas. Famous worldwide for his masterpiece, The Scream, Munch was also the prolific creator of less crude and crepuscular works, in which his peculiar technique, made up of original geometries and a powerful use of color, marked all his artistic endeavors.”


Prof. Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele, patron of the arts, philanthropist, and President of the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro commented: “Few artists like Edvard Munch have been able to, through their works, represent the essence of the human moods they intended to study. Munch’s art takes its cue from the lacerating drama of his inner life, such as serious periods of mourning that he never overcame and for which he suffered since childhood, as well as the state of his health. These experiences gave way to a profound observation into the condition of the solitude of modern man. A quest, however, that was filtered by the very close relationships he had with the literary and philosophical culture of the time (including Nietzsche’s principles and Freud’s psychoanalytic science). Munch was also a pioneer of Expressionism. He interpreted the essential themes of existential anguish and the approach of death, but also of the constant interaction that exists between Man and Nature. He was repeatedly opposed by German academics and intellectuals, who defined his paintings disturbing, and was moreover persecuted by Nazism after the occupation of Norway in April 1940. However, he also had many admirers and found some serenity in the final stage of his long life, when he retired to the rural estate of Ekely, where he dedicated himself to creating a series of works with bucolic scenes and others that represented female beauty. All this was accomplished with an innovative language that was a forerunner of the times and that, today, we recognize as being incredibly contemporary.”


The exhibition is supported by the patronage of the following: Ministry of Culture, Lazio Region, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Rome, Royal Embassy of Norway in Rome, and  Dicastery for Evangelization for the 2025 Jubilee.

It is also sponsored by Generali Valore Cultura and Statkraft, along with Ricola as special partner, Atac and Frecciarossa Treno Ufficiale as mobility partner, Repubblica as media partner, Hotel de Russie and Hotel de la Ville as hospitality partners,  Ferrari Trento as technical sponsor,  and Dimensione Suono Soft as radio partner .

A rich program of events, involving different cultural realities throughout the city, further enriches the exhibition, delving into the figure of the artist and expanding on the themes of his works.