The doctorate at the Università Europea di Roma (European University of Rome - UER), which was later renamed “Person, well-being, and innovation”, aims at studying the relationship between innovation and the well-being of a person on three different levels: individual, organizational, and social. The course encourages an interdisciplinary research approach that combines different perspectives: economic, legal, psychological, and historical-philosophical. This multidisciplinary approach allows doctorate students to grasp the complexity of the relationship between innovation, people, and well-being, while usefully interpreting relationships for organizational and social development. The project is divided into four different study plans that reflect the areas of specialization mentioned above. It also offers teaching and insight common to all the various plans, aimed at stimulating dialogue between complementary areas of knowledge, and specific skills of an economic, legal, psychological, and historical-philosophical nature. The course is also characterized by the importance given to international mobility and the exchange of knowledge with the working and professional worlds.

Project Details