This project, which is supported by the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro, has equipped the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital with a device that aims at verifying postural imbalances through a simple camera, without emitting radiation. This method, called “Biometrical Holistic of Human Body - BHOHB”, is possible through a postural software certified by the Italian Ministry of Health, which allows to detect any imbalances of the spine in just a few seconds through a 3D reconstruction. All this is carried out by applying bright markers at the reference points that are involved in a correct postural assessment. The software translates the distances detected between the points into millimeters.
This innovative method of assessment is particularly suitable for adolescents in postural therapy who have to undergo numerous check-ups, preventing the use of ionizing irradiation and its harmful side effects since, if repeated over time, and especially during growth phases, ionizing radiation can cause various pathologies, including oncological ones.

Project Details