Talent Prize 2022

Talent Prize 2022

The 15th edition of the Talent Prize exhibition, the international contest for visual arts organized by Inside Art and created thanks to the support of the Fondazione Cultura e Arte (an instrumental institution of the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale of which Prof. Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele is President), was inaugurated on November 19th, 2022 at the Museo delle Mura in Rome and is open until December 4th. Promoted by Roma Culture, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of the City of Rome, and Zètema Progetto Cultura Museum Services, the exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to see the works of all the finalists of the contest dedicated exclusively to artists under 40.

“The exhibition of the finalists of the talent prize,” Guido Talarico, editor of Inside Art and founder of the contest, affirmed, “is always exciting. The recap of a year’s work. The wonderful exhibition of the works present. It’s our wunderkammer. A true delight that we dedicate to all the ten thousand young talents who, in fifteen years, have participated in our competition.”

The jury awarded the first prize to the work entitled Defence. What do you do with your anger?, a video by the artist, Simona Andrioletti, who was born in Bergamo in 1990. With her art, Simona drives the dynamics of collaboration, challenging the idea of artistic authorship by letting other people interfere with the process of the creation of her works. This piece is a collage of “found footage” in which we witness a sequence of situations where various people try to defend themselves in various ways from circumstances of physical, emotional, and environmental subjugation, without succeeding. This, oftentimes, occurs because the problem is unmanageable, and, in other cases, because the defense method they implement is self-destructive and leads them to ridicule themselves before the camera of any smartphone of any person who cowardly records them, amused. The videos were re-recorded from a smartphone, which was recording a computer monitor, as if it were replicating that perverse mechanism of voyeurism and schadenfreudewhere, in a dangerous situation, the passerby records the scene instead of helping.

The jury also wanted to select  2nd and 3rd places among the finalists this year, as a sign of recognition for a convincing and prospective study. Leonardo Magrelli came in second with a series of photographs entitled West of here, and Gioele Pomante came in third with the video entitled Con affetto, Gioele.

The Special Prizes awarded by the main sponsor and partners of the competition were also exhibited in the Museo delle Mura:

  • “Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele”: awarded to Giulia Berra for her work, Untitled, which plays on the trap/nest dualism: a sort of wooden cornucopia covered with acacia thorns that  twists, retreats, and projects aggressively into space,  like the needles of an animal ready to attack. 
  • “Fondazione Cultura e Arte - International Section”: awarded to the Grossi-Maglioni duo with their work, Beast Mother Plateau, a project that analyzes motherhood, the relationship of caregiving and its transformative potential, originating from the post-feminist and anthropological question, but also from the direct experience of motherhood and from the interaction with a group of mothers and children.
  • “Fondazione Cultura e Arte - Emerging Section”: awarded to Giovanni Copelli for his work, Pescheria, in which the artist starts from a classic model, a baroque fish market, and composes a new imaginary within the painting, where the form remains but the substance radically changes. A painting that is, at times, ambiguous and bears in itself the traces of the process of fusion and hybridization that generated them.
  • “UTOPIA”: named after and assigned by the leading consulting company in Italy in the integrated activity of public, media and legal affairs, corporate communication and digital strategies, this prize was awarded to the artist, Nuvola Ravera, class of 1984, who presented an installation entitled Peeling Agency - The fun they had, made up of a series of transparent urns containing the rubber chips from a performance. Nuvola Ravera’s installation consists in a scrubbing – carried out by a fictitious agency (P.A.) using an eraser – of the walls of artistic sites. A stripping of the cultural sediment that gives rise to powdered preserves of the worlds of art.
  • “INSIDE ART”: awarded to Teresa Giannico for her photographic work, You will return, you will return, which portrays a face resulting from an overlapping of photos found on the web, through a search for similar images. A reflection on the reworking of an image, via the use of new technologies, which recalls a traditional painting, but only in appearance.


Exhibition details:
Location:                     Museo delle Mura
Address:                     Via di Porta San Sebastiano 18 - 00179 Rome
Dates:                         November 19th to December 4th, 2021


