This is the sequel of project titled the ‘Sirene di Ulisse (Ulysses's Sirens)’ accomplished in collaboration with the Rowing Club of Palermo which the Foundation has supported in the Province of Latina in Lazio since 2019. This is an ad hoc medical protocol, fielded by engaging a team of oncologists, psychologists and rehabilitation physicians with proven expertise that involves a female-only crew undergoing perioperative treatment for breast cancer. Scientific studies have in fact demonstrated that the repetitive paddling movement constitutes a kind of natural lymphatic drainage and in fact helps to prevent lymphedema which is corroborated by the European Institute of Oncology. The Rowing Club of Palermo is also a club of excellence that already has a well-established tradition of social commitment (such as the ‘Un remo per Asher’ project " in 2020 and ‘Verdetà’ in 2017 which were supported by Fondazione Terzo Pilastro and accomplished at Mondello coast in support of disabled or autistic children).

Project Details